If you have something on your mind, please send me an email at [email protected]. I would love to hear from YOU!
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You've got this - you really do!
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In our closed group of parents, grandparents, child protection experts, child psychologists and more, you can discuss any digital parenting issues that may be troubling you or that may be affecting your children.
We hope that you will feel empowered by the exchanges in order to better enjoy the benefits and handle the risks that come with online technology. We promise that you will get support from our digital parenting community on Facebook.
We are all in this together!
Digitalem brings your favorite brands under one roof.
Digital Parenting Coach, Digital Parenting Consulting, Digital Parenting Shop, Digital Safety Mom (TikTok) and Digital Parenting Community.
US enquiries:
5960 Quiet Slope Dr, San Diego, CA 92120
[email protected]