Digital Parenting on Purpose with Amy Carney
Oct 29, 2018I started following Amy Carney on parenting after a girlfriend shared some of her blogposts full of spot-on tips - and I fell in love with her style and advice and just plain ol' common sense. As a mother of two young boys, I was mesmerized by this woman who made parenting 5 children including 3 triplet - BOYS look easy peasy.
But one of her newsletters had me reaching out to ask if I could share it with my Community. And Amy graciously said YES. Below please check out her newsletter and you can see her social media contacts at the end of the post.
Happy Fall Y'all!
Is it seriously already mid-October? How did we get here already?
Maybe you've noticed that I've been missing from your inbox recently. All things summer and finishing my book manuscript have kept me super busy. Dear friends, the good news is the book is all turned in so stay tuned for updates on that excitement!
In even bigger news, my husband and I courageously threw the video game system out of our house at the end of summer and it has been the best decision we have made this year. It was draining trying to keep setting limits on something we didn't want in our home, to begin with. Can you relate?
I wondered how this parental decision would affect our sons' social life since this is what many teenage boys seem to enjoy doing in their spare time these days. But, low and behold one evening, my nearly 17-year old son texted me and asked if he could have guys over to do the slip and slide. Umm... ok, I said, thinking there's no way he was going to get many takers on that childish idea.
When my husband and I pulled around the corner to our home that night, it looked like a raging party was going on at our house. Cars were lined up and down the street and the sounds of teenage guys laughing and bonding bellowed from our backyard for hours, thanks to a slip and slide and a tennis ball. And a courageous parental decision to get rid of the video game system.
I took this simple photo the following morning because it speaks volumes to me. We forget that our sons and daughters still need carefree play even when they are teenagers. Our kids will absolutely turn to screens if we continue to let them. Let's make sure that we are carving out space in all of our lives for simple play and real-life experiences.
Enjoy today my friend-AMY
To learn more about Amy, you can follow her on;
Website: https://amycarney.com/
Twitter: @AmyLCarney
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amylcarney
Instagram: amylcarney
Pinterest: Parent on Purpose
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