A Checklist to Consider Before Giving Tech Gifts
Feb 04, 2018Internet of Toys and Tech Gifts: mind-boggling devices for the Digital Parent.
The Internet of Things is relatively new, but the results are everywhere: intelligent heaters that warm up your home before you arrive, refrigerators that order juice and eggs when you've run out; fitness trackers that beep when you've achieved your activity goal for the day and more. It is clear that the Internet of Things has a fantastic objective of efficiency and obtaining results, however, smart Digital Parents need to be aware of the issues so that can act accordingly.
All of this tech stuff is well and good, but what happens when your child's toys can talk back to your child? Or that police car toy is fitted out with a webcam?
The tech industry is steadily cranking out mind-boggling devices, but notions of security and privacy are not foremost on their minds. So it's up to you as a Digital Parent to roll up your sleeves and dive into the subject matter - preferably before handing over that cool toy to your child.
DigiParent Checklist:
Weigh the benefits of privacy vs tech
Is the toy good for development?
Understand how Hello Barbie works
Read up on all artificial intelligent toys
DIGIPARENT TAKE-AWAY: Don't forget to give your children gifts that aren't toys, such as books, crafting dates, restaurant outings and more.
Non-tech toys make awesome holiday gifts too!
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